Wednesday, March 25, 2009


As of the middle of March, I am officially all done nursing. Nursing has been a great joy in my life as a mom. It is something unique that I have been able to give my children. It is not easy, it is definitely a learned skill. It was much more painful than I thought it would be, and then I was told that I was doing it wrong!

After I got the hang of it, I had such pride. This was something that I could give my children. A gift of my antibodies, a gift of my time, a gift of being the only one that could soothe them in that way. I think there is a correlation that my children did not need antibiotics until they were over a year old.

It is known as nutritionally perfect, but to nurse your children, you must be persistent. The free samples of formula even came in the mail!

To me the benefits were numerous. For the children, the benefits are well documented. For the mother as well. I experienced the benefits in countless ways. I was the one that could nourish; I was the one that could nurse them to sleep. I was the one that held my child in that special hold and felt such love. As I would nurse I would feel relaxed, calm, and the love for my child would increase exponentially. I was the one who got up in the middle of the night, every single time. However, I didn’t mind. This was a choice that I made, and besides, it took less time than warming up a bottle.

To nurse your child today is not very common. To nurse both your children until they are almost 18 months old is very rare indeed. I did it!


kcknits said...

You are amazing for sticking with it!! Kudos!!

Vivie Bear said...

wow good for you! i only lasted for 9 months. i just love what you have to say about nursing. i couldnt agree more :)

Anonymous said...

I guess it would be wrong of me to say "eww" huh?

Tiffany said...

That is awesome! I am so impressed and you should be so proud. You captured so eloquently the emotional bond - I feel the same way about nursing. Except, I will have smaller, saggy boobs :p