Monday, January 18, 2010

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

How do I explain to my 5 year old the importance of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.? She wondered why she didn't have school today and I responded that it was because of a wonderful man who taught us all that it does not matter what color your skin is we are all equal, we are all created by God, loved by God, children of God. Today I finished a wonderful book about life in Mississipi in the early 1960s. The Help by Kathryn Stockett is filled with wonderful women and when the book was over, I wanted to sit in their kitchens and hear more of their stories. There is a wonderful line in the book, "We are just two people. Not that much separates us. Not nearly as much as I'd thought." May today be a day when we remember that God loves us all, we are more similar than different, not that much separates us.

1 comment:

Jen said...

This post makes me happy. :-)