Monday, May 18, 2009


I just finished People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks and highly recommend it. It is inspired by a true story, which I found just amazing, and when I wikipediaed it, this info about the Sarajevo Haggadah was just amazing to me.

"The history of the remarkable man, Dervis Korkut, who saved the book from the Nazi officers who sought it, was told in the December 3, 2007 issue of The New Yorker magazine. The article, entitled "The Book of Exodus", also by Geraldine Brooks, sets out the equally remarkable story of the young Jewish girl, Mira Papo, whom Korkut and his wife hid from the Nazis just as they acted to save the Haggadah. In a twist of fate, as an elderly woman in Israel, Mira Papo secured the safety of Korkut's daughter from the Serbian genocide of the 1990s."

In other recommendations, Victor Tango's in Dallas is a great restaurant! I have been thinking about those ahi tuna nachos for weeks!

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