She had a blast and apparently did not miss us at all! As soon as Madeleine got home, I noticed that she and Everett were holding hands. We all missed her a bunch!
When she returned today another of her top teeth was loose, and since she is already missing her two front teeth it is nearly impossible for her to eat! Lee pulled her tooth out, and we celebrated her birthday as a family. Lee then took Madeleine to get a 20" bike!
Madeleine is such a blessing to our family. She talks a mile a minute, loves to learn new things, and lights up a room with her smile. When Madeleine was born I wanted to name her something original (thus the French spelling), something sort of religious (Madeleine is a derivative of Mary Magdalene who saw Jesus after his resurrection in John 20 and shared the Good News), and something feminine. Her middle name, Nicholls, is after my grandfather who was such a blessing in my life. I would go to Grandpa Nicholls' house after school, and he would make me cookies, help me with my homework, and encourage me. He had such a sweet, generous spirit and I am so thankful for his 99 1/2 years! Madeleine's cousin Sydney has the same middle name.
7 years has happened so fast, below is 7 years of birthdays in pictures.

June 20, 2004 in the early morning when you were born.